For Timothy Bradley, this is the big break of his career. He will do anything to upset the world. You can see his hunger on this fight and determination in order to maintain his undefeated record and be the man to beat Manny Pacquiao. Bradley has a huge body, full of muscle and abs, obviously. But the thing is his legs is so thin compare to Pacquiao's legs coz' the legs will determine the foot movement and speed of a fighter.
Manny Pacquiao has proven enough the world of boxing even the Mayweather fight did not happened. Pacquiao beat all well-known guys and bigger guys. As a recall, Pacquiao's big break was the fight against Marco Antonio Barrera, he was the underdog during that time but he dismantled Barrera and upsetting the world of boxing especially the Mexico. The case of Bradley this time is almost the same of early Pacquiao's career. Bradley is the underdog on this fight and he has been an underdog most of the time, he said, but he always won the fight. The difference with Bradley is, he offering Manny a rematch and he assured that he will win. While Manny Pacquiao is always the same if he has a fight, humble, keep on smiling and praying for his opponent and him to God. It is proven enough that if you fight Manny Pacquiao, the more words you throw, the more you defeated.